Past Events and News



On Tuesday August 30, the Dawson County Woman’s Club and the Dawson County Chamber of Commerce officially cut the ribbon o the new lending library at Kilough Elementary School. Children in the community can come to the library and take a book home to read and leave another book for others to follow.

First Graders were so excited to be a recipient of the Little Free Library. The lending library was designed and built in great part by Kilough’s media specialist, Kristi Bearden and the school resource officer Officer Grizzle.

The new lending library is located in front of Kilough Elementary School. This library was funded in memory of Woman’s Club member Helen Taylor, who passed away but whose lover of reading will live on through projects like the lending library.

Dawson County Woman’s Club members celebrate the newest Little Free Library donated to Dawson County schools. MG Finch, chair of the education program of the DCWC, told the crowd, “It’s all about loving to read; as my dad would say, “if you love to read, you’re never lonely.”

Little Free Library has been added to Kilough Elementary School in Dawson County GA.
Thanks to the administration and students of the school who helped the Dawson County
Woman’s Club provide the Snoopy book box.

Before cutting the ribbon on the new library, Dawson County Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Mandy Power encouraged the students in attendance to make use of the library and congratulated the school and the Woman’s Club on bringing the project to fruition.


Annual Fundraiser with Fashion Show, Luncheon and Silent Auction

was a great success. Over 150 guests enjoyed a nicely prepared luncheon from Giorgio’s Italian Restaurant, appetizer cone charcuteries, latest fashions and plenty of silent auction items. The raffle was the best yet with nearly $1000 of restaurant gift cards. A lovely time was had by all.

Thanks to all our donors, sponsors and guests for making Giving Goes Glam a most successful fund raiser for the Dawson County Woman’s Club, 2022.

The venue this year was Lilly Creek Farms in Dawsonville.

The tables were a blend of pink and maroon.

Strawberries and blueberries in a generous mixed tonic.

Silent auction items awaiting….
Over 85 silent auction items were offered to eager shoppers.

Young and mature ladies hoping that their bids would let them take home cherished items

High School Scholarship 2022

The Dawson County Woman’s Club awarded three $1000 scholarships to graduating seniors at Dawson County High School on Tuesday, May 3. Kelci Folsom received the Betty Turner Award and was presented to her by Michell Turner Smith. Michell’s mother, Betty, was a founding member of the DCWC.

From left to right, Debbie Borovitcky (President DCWC), Blake Smith, Grace Anderson, Kelci Folsom, Michell Turner Smith.

Fire Station Lasagna Dinners

Last year, 2021, the DCWC presented pizza dinners to our local Dawson County firefighters. This year on Wednesday May 4, our members brought delicious lasagna along with salads and desserts to Dawson County’s finest firefighters. The men and women at the fire stations were delighted to have a great meal.

Two grateful fire fighters at Station #6 with Priscilla Taylor.
Fire Station #6 enjoying the lasagna, bread, salad and dessert that Sandy Duffy brought.
“Yum” says Fire Station #7 with Debbie Borovitcky, Linda Browning and Judy Carruth.
Barbara Vermillion and Pam Wilson with their fire fighters and fire puppy.
Pam Miller and fire fighters awaiting lasagna.

Dianne Leonhardt and Elizabeth Ann Dalton with three hungry firefighters.

Leap for Literacy

March 26 2022 was the return of Leap for Literacy after a two year COVID break.

Leap of Literacy is one of the fundraising events for WEE Books which is a literacy program
that provides Dawson County children with a free monthly age-appropriate book every year from birth until they reach five years old.

The Dawson County Woman’s Club is a long term supported of the program. So today, we put on our frog eyes and greens and hit the water. The air temperature was 55 degrees but the water was a bit colder at 45 degrees. And the wind was gusting around 35 mph. Perfect day for a swim.

It was a cold and very windy morning on Lake Lanier in Dawson County, GA. But the frogs were ready to get wet all in the name of supporting one of our favorite events, Leap for Literacy.

Many frogs ready for hopping into the frigid waters of the lake. We summoned our courage and hoped for all to return safely to dry land.
Awaiting our turn to challenge the lake.
There was a large group of Toe Tappers, Ramp Runners and Leapers at War Hill Park this morning. Everyone else were supporters helping their friends, clubs and relatives stay alive.
Toe Tappers are hopping about as their dainty little feet get slightly wet. Tap and run away!

Fellow frogs gave Georgann and Babs a farewell as the two Ramp Runners test the waters up to their butts. Did they wait for us to return safely with tales of terror?, they left us to rescue ourselves…

Once again, our intrepid group was awarded a first place for Creativity and Bravery.

Edie Chordora is awarded BOTH of the DCWC
Club awards, the Distinguished Service Award
and the Dot Strother Outstanding Member Award.


Celebrating a combined Woman’s Club and Lions Club Christmas dinner at a
local Chinese Restaurant.
Christmas gifts for two families in the NOA program.

Austin Wood, a senior at Dawson County HS, completed his Eagle Scout Project in January. He built three raised beds for our pollinator gardens project. These are at the Senior Center in Veterans Memorial Park in Dawsonville. He also made three butterfly boxes, one for each pollinator bed. Edie and Georgann, seen here with Austin, will begin planting native pollinator plants in March. These will be as stunning as our four pollinator beds already established in Main Street Park. Come over and learn from these.


Three Club members represent us on the board for
Keep Dawson County Beautiful. Here are (third from
left) Dianne Leonhardt, Linda Bostick and Edie
Chodora at the Dawsonville Christmas Parade on
Saturday, December 4. Way to go ladies!


One of our favorite activities, decorating the old Historic Courthouse in downtown
Dawsonville. Perfect weather for an enthusiastic crowd of Woman’s Club members.

New garland and colorful bows placed on the fencing around the Courthouse.
Arts Community Service Program ladies rejuvenated the snowmen who stand
around the Courthouse.


The DCWC proudly chose three recipients from
the Dawson County High School to attend the
Hugh O’Brian Leadership Conference. This awesome
program hosts 10,000 high school sophomores
from across the country who, by attending the three day
workshops, will develop leadership
skills and learn how to apply them to become effective leaders
in their home schools.

From left, DCWC Education Program members,
Priscilla Taylor and Mary Ann Eaton,
Owen Evan Walls, Alex Bordeaux,
Trinity Jade Brooks, and DCWC President Debbie Borovitcky.


This nine foot tree above was decorated by the
Dawson County Woman’s Club and displayed
at the Festival of Trees at the Bowen Center
for the Arts. It was purchased by the Manor Lake
Assisted Living and was placed in their main lobby.

All proceeds will be donated to the
Bowen Center.

Visit the Bowen Center for the Arts at 334 Hwy 9 N in
Dawsonville for artsy creative Christmas
trees on display now through Dec 18.
Hours Tue through Fri
10 am -4 pm. Saturday 12 pm -4 pm.
Closed Sun/Monday.


Thanks to Marge Carey, Marge Jones, Susan Bush, Barbara Vermilion, Debbie Borovitcky, Mary Ann Eaton, Kelly Gillian and MG Finch who showed up to help Kilough Elementary with their Thanksgiving lunch. Over 250 parents and other guests were served.  We helped sign people in and directed traffic in the cafeteria.  We gifted six regular cafeteria workers with $50 gift certificates. They were very appreciative! 


DCWC member, Linda Bostick standing at left, is presenting
games and puzzles to the residents of the
North Georgia Assisted Living in Dawsonville.

The EDUCATIONAL PATRON AWARD, one of only three awarded by the Georgia Leadership and Service Awards, was presented by Principal, Paige Arnette, to the Education and Libraries Community Service Program of the Dawson County Woman’s Club for reading to students, book fair assistance, revitalization and replanting of the Rosalynn Carter Pollinator Garden, and installing and donating books to a new Little Free Library.

It was presented to DCWC members at the Dawson County School Board meeting on November 9, 2021.

The Educational Patron Award, one of only three awarded by the Georgia Leadership and Service Awards, was presented by Principal, Paige Arnette, to the Education and Libraries Community Service Program of the Dawson County Woman’s Club for reading to students, book fair assistance, revitalization and replanting of the Rosalynn Carter Pollinator Garden, and installing and donating books to a Free Little Library.

It was presented to DCWC members at the Dawson County School Board meeting on November 9, 2021.


The Dawson County thrift store/food bank RIC Rack asked for help in their cereal offerings. So our members donated over 45 boxes of various low sugar cereals.

Trunk or Treat at Dawson County, Rock Creek Park

A beautiful evening for Trunk or Treat at Rock Creek Park. Sue Benitez, Marge Jones and Barbara Vermillion
hand out treats to approximately 800 kids.

Christmas Tree Decoration

We had a chance to auction off a decorated Christmas tree for the Bowen Art Center. DCWC volunteers came over with vintage ornaments, ribbons, sparkling twigs, and ideas for creating an awesome 9 foot tree for some lucky winner to take home.

The result is shown here. We were greatly surprised how everything we brought in created such a beautiful tree.

If you would like to make a $ bid on the tree, CLICK HERE.

All proceeds are donated to The Bowen Center for the Arts.

Club members donated ribbons, vintage ornaments and foliage to decorate our 9 foot tree.

We are hoping that someone will fall in love with our tree and make an offer for it.
All proceeds go to the Bowen Center for the Arts.

The whimsical crown of our work of art.

Got to have an owl hidden in the foliage.
Just about finished….
DCWC members gathered around the final product! Nine feet of color, textures
and love.

The Dawson County Woman’s Club presented our annual Giving Goes Glam fundraiser on August 14, 2021 at Lilly Creek Farms at 1654 Auraria Rd, Dawsonville, GA 30534. The theme this year was Rustic Elegance and we chose a perfect venue of warmth, comfort and beauty.

And what an event it was. We had nearly 160 guests, over 100 silent auction items,

three fabulous raffles and door prizes.

Talk of the Town catered a delicious chicken salad and fruit lunch.

And our models and fashions were the very best.

Lilly Creek Farms is located in Dawson County on Auraria Road. It’s a fabulous venue for any event.

The theme this year was Rustic Elegance.

Our lovely ladies modeled fashions from The Blue Barn Boutique, Chico’s, Elizabeth’s Clothing Company and The Bradford Pair.

Tina Sant, a realtor, models for The Bradford Pair.
Diane Houser, a DCWC member, models and casual blue jean outfit from the Bradford Pair in Gainesville, GA
Babs Smart was the emcee for the event, perfect and lovely as always.

Dolly appeared in her fashionable and comfortable fashion.

This year featured over 105 silent auction items.
Our guests eagerly sought out their favorite item and bid on it, often repeatedly to ensure that they won their favorites.
One of the most anticipated events is the Raffle which is a collection of donated gift certificates from local restaurants.
The gathering room was stunning.
Nearly 160 guests enjoyed the fashions and models, appetizers and luncheon and a chance to take home their favorite silent auction treasures.
Barbara Vermillion minding the lemonade and ice tea.

Pollinator Gardens Tour Saturday, June 26 was a Grand Success

Guests discuss the merits of native pollinator plants and one of the home gardens.

In celebration of the City of Dawsonville becoming an official Bee City USA, the Dawson County Woman’s Club hosted the First Annual Pollinator Garden Tour in Dawsonville and Dawson County.  This event aimed at inspiring everyone to become excited about bees and butterflies and learn about the ways that they can support these special pollinators.  It only takes a few native plants in many pollinator spots to create acres of flowers necessary for our beneficial insects.

An extended Driving Tour included larger gardens with amazing displays of native perennials.  

One of the four raised beds of native pollinator plants at Main Street Park.

Small gardens, or Pollinator Spots, were featured along a Walking Tour in downtown Dawsonville beginning at the new Main Street Park where four raised beds of native perennials are showcased and visited by honey bees, native bees, and butterflies.  

Bumble bee on Anise Hyssop

The Walking Tour included other Pollinator Spots at The Fancy Flea, Days Gone By, Dawsonville City Hall, The Bowen Center, Dawson County Library and The Station Antiques.  

Antique store, Days Gone By, on Hwy 9 south displays yarrow, black-eyed Susan, Shasta daisy.

The Bowen Center for the Arts had an invasion of flamingoes just before the Pollinator Tour. But we felt it was a nice addition to the native plantings of agastache, cardinal flower, ox eye daisy, yarrow, and blue mistflower.

The Fancy Flea on the SW corner of the historic Dawsonville square has a combined colorful garden of annuals and native perennials of
ox eye daisy, agastache, Shasta daisy, and black eyed Susan. A perfect example of mixing annuals with native pollinators.
The Dawson County library has a small native pollinator spot at the entrance to the building. Salvia, ox eye daisy, and green and gold display a perfect small Spot for pollinators.


The Station on the NE corner of the square displays lovely pots of natives mixed with exotics. Natives mixed in with exotics help our pollinating bees, moths, butterflies and wasps. Try it win your gardens.

This event was free and expected to be held again in 2022. But guests are welcomed at all the downtown Dawsonville Pollinator Spots and at the two gardens are members’ residences. CLICK HERE for information.

Black and blue salvia with bumble bee.
Hot lips salvia.

APRIL IS STOP CHILD ABUSE MONTH, a time for communities to come together to build caring connections, supportive environments and positive experiences for all children. We know that child maltreatment is a preventable problem. Our pinwheels show our support for the love for children.


The Hugh O’Brien Leadership conference awards have been given to three students from Dawson County High School.

Each spring, 10,000 high school sophomores from across the country participate in one fo the HOBY’s leadership seminars to develop their leadership skills and learn how to apply them to become effective, ethical leaders in their home, school, workplace and community. Our students that are chosen to attend this weekend seminar are amazing. In fact, all the applicants are such gifted, sociable, caring young people that it is very difficult to select just one or two for this award.

From left, Debbie Borovitcky (President DCWC), MG Finch (Education Chair), Courtney Brooke Clark, Jace Walker Trammell, Alysa Reeve, Mary Ann Eaton (DCWC member) and Priscilla Taylor (DCWC member). Congratulations, Courtney, Jace and Alysa.


Our officer installation was held on January 16, 2021 as a virtual event due to the COVID pandemic. We thank Jill Bagley, NE District President, for presenting our new slate of officers. President, Debbie Borovitcky, 1st VP vacant, 2nd VP Georgann Schmalz, Recording Secretary Linda Browning, Treasurer Bev James. Non-elected Officer and Chairs include Corresponding Secretary Judy Carruth, Arts and Culture CSP open, Civic Engagement and Outreach, Education and Libraries MB Finch, Environment Edie Chodora, Health and Wellness Linda Bostick.

Check back for photos of the group of 2021.


Halloween on October 31 2020 found Dawsonville City Council member, Stephen Tolson and his wife, Sandra, poising behind our panel at the Main Street Park pollinator garden. Dressed as beekeepers, they said that they were inspired by our honey bees and bumble bees flying around.

The city of Dawsonville has been accepted as affiliate as a Bee City USA by the Xerces Society! We are one of eleven cities in the state of Georgia. The Dawsonville County Woman’s Club has worked for nearly a year to become a Bee City USA. We especially want to thank the City Council of Dawsonville for all their help and encouragement to attain this award.

The Dawsonville City Council voted to accept the Xerces Society Bee City USA Resolution for Dawsonville, GA.

The Dawsonville City Council voted to accept the Xerces Society Bee City USA Resolution.
With a gentle touch, Girl Scouts place delicate plants including columbines into holes.

As part of our application for becoming a Bee City USA, the Dawson County Woman’s Club reached out to the Girl Scouts for help in planting in the chosen Pollinator Spots. The girls had a great time, I think, and really helped out. Fortunately, the recent rains has softened the Georgia clay to dig fairly easily. We have three more Spots for our Scout crew to conquer. And they managed to dig without getting dirty.

Volunteer Girl Scouts helped DCWC plant our native plants for the bees and butterflies.
Various businesses and office building asked to become Pollinator Spots, so DCWC members brought the plants and the Girl Scouts planted them.
Over a dozen Pollinator Spots have been chosen in Dawsonville.
The Girl Scouts did a great job digging holes for the native plants .
It only takes a small Spot and a few native plants to help our pollinators.

To show our Club’s appreciation of the digging and planting by the Girl Scouts (Troop 10616), Edie presented a program for them on bee keeping.

Edie presenting her program from a safe distance in case her ladies were upset with an audience.

Not only the Girl Scouts came to the bee program, but also a couple of sisters. They were very impressed with Edie’s bee keeper Barbie Doll.


Starting many months ago (see below), the raised beds were built and planted with a variety of native plants. On June 30, 2020 the DCWC proudly presented our new Pollinator Garden to our members and invited guests at Main Street Park. Our next step is to submit our application for Bee City USA for Dawsonville.

Our beautiful panel, designed by Nancy Seiler (a Golden Artist Educator for Golden Artist Colors in Montana), invites visitors to the east corner of Main Street Park.
Yard signs indicate that this garden spot is filled with native plants. These plants are hardier than exotic plants since they evolved in our area. They are pollinated and eaten (hopefully, not too much) by native insects. And they have better nectar for bees, bumble bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. What they aren’t adapted to are pesticides and herbicides, habitat loss and exotic diseases and insects. PLANT NATIVE SAVE OUR BEES
It was a great morning to mingle and admire the plants. The red shirted men built the raised beds and filled the with compost soil. The assembled the panel and planted it in cement!
The Dawson News came out and interviewed Edie Chodora (left) and Georgann Schmalz (right)
Our goal is to educate and inspire people to save our bees with native pollinator plants.
Even just a few, mixed into your yard and garden, will make a difference.
The Dawsonville city council, city manager, city workers, and the Chamber of Commerce came out to enjoy the garden. We invite everyone to visit Main Street Park and our
pollinator spot.


Dawson County Woman’s Club has taken on a new project that encourages our community to plant gardens for pollinators. You can learn about the steps to create a native pollinator garden to save our bees and other insects by visiting Native Plants for Pollinators page.

We started our own garden at the new Main Street Park in downtown Dawsonville. We planted many species that pollinators like and have them represent blooming times throughout the year.

We encourage you to stop by and walk the paved trails at Main Street Park behind the City Hall of downtown Dawsonville. You can also visit our garden at Rock Creek Park. This is an older, more established garden with a great variety of plants.

Both locations will have brochures available on pollinator gardens.

Remember, you only need a few native pollinator plants mixed in with your favorite annuals to save our bees.

The city of Dawsonville built us four raised beds, each 4′ x 8′ and 12″ deep. They filled them with the best compost in town.
We have selected native plants that will bloom at various times of the year, thereby, keeping each bed interesting and functional.
We have planted enough so that any plant that becomes aggressive can be dug up and given away at the Farmers Market just down the street.
Flowers are growing nicely.
The DCWC also purchased eight benches for Main Street Park.
We have two colors of yarrow, pink and yellow.
This is a native Columbine that will spread quickly.
Not sure which daisy this is but it grows wild in wetlands.
Salvia is quite stunning and will bloom all summer, attracting hummingbirds.
Stay tuned to see this liatrix blossom in about four days.

The Installation of 2020 Officers was held at our luncheon at the Blue Bicycle in Dawsonville. Here is our new President, Debbie Borovitcky, being sworn in by Mary Bob Fox.

Nearly every DCWC member came to the installation luncheon.
2020 President, Debbie Borovitcky, receiving her President’s pin from Judy Carruth.
The 2020 Officers of DCWC , L to R, Georgann Schmalz 2nd VP, Linda Browning Rec Sec
The 2020 Officers of DCWC , L to R, Georgann Schmalz 2nd VP, Linda Browning Rec Sec, Debbie Borovitcky President, Linda Bostick 1st VP, Judy Carruth Corresponding Sec. and Mary Bob Fox Installation Guest.

The Artful Table at the

Bowen Center

Christmas table was a combination of many borrowed items! Mary Bob sent the most Santa’s. Anne contributed a couple. Sandy’s plates & chargers. Janes goblets. Everyone worked together to set it all up.

DCWC and Lions Club 2019 Christmas Party

Christmas magic in lights
Christmas lights greet us at Forrest Hills.
Dawson County Woman’s Club and the Dawsonville Lions Club enjoyed each other’s company at our 2019 Christmas Party held at Forrest Hills Resort in Dahlonega, GA.
Good friends, great food, excellent venue for our annual event.
Buffet dinner was excellent–pot roast, chicken marsala, creamed corn, green beans.
We all have lots in common since some of us have a spouse in the Woman’s Club and Lions Club
An added bonus at the Christmas Party–Chocolate Amaretto Pecans.
Every year our Club decorates the old historic Dawson County courthouse located in the square of Dawsonville. Thank you, ladies.
Dawson County Historical Courthouse


Eighth Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon 2019

Our eighth annual Fashion Show, Luncheon, and Silent Auction was held on September 14, 2019 at the Church of the Apostles in Dawsonville. Over 150 were in attendance enjoying great food catered by Talk of the Town, stunning fashions from Chico’s, Belk, Elizabeth’s, Bradford Pair and Blush Ivey, music by Helen Hardman and much more.

Giving Goes Glam models were the stylish hit of the day. They presented an amazing variety of fashions, both casual and trendy.
Grilled chicken over greens with candied pecans and poached pears. A fruit salad and warm roll completed the plates.
Each table held a tall vase of flowers and butterflies on a whimsical twig. Spanish moss, sprinkled with more flowers, caressed the bottom of the vases. The lovely claret tones mixed with the cream of the Programs “Fashionata”

Appetizers greet our guests and are always a hit. In fact, we worry that they will eat too many and spoil their lunch!
The decorations committee. What talented ladies.
We have the very best silent auction selection in the world! Over 80 donated items from baskets to bird houses to dinners, get away places, and jewelry were bid upon.
How cute can you get? A hot item for the silent auction.

Donation to Humane Society

The ladies of DCWC presenting a new canopy to the Dawson County Humane Society for their many displays and pet adoptions.

Dawson County Library hosted a book themed decorate a cupcake event in July. The DCWC provided dozens of cupcakes.

The Dawson County Library hosted a book themed “decorate a cupcake” event in July. The DCWC provided dozens of cupcakes.

Bev James, DCWC Treasurer far left, receiving an award at the NE Georgia District Meeting on March 23.

Bev James (DCWC Treasurer, far left) receiving our DCWC awards at the NE Georgia District meeting in Gainesville, GA on March 23

The 2019 HOBY winner, June Rose Harmon (Olivia Walls also received the award), is recognized at the Dawson County Board of Education meeting in February.

Dawson County Woman’s Club Home Life Program donated quilt batting to the Heart in Hand Quilt Guild The Guild makes  lap/crib quilts that are given to Dawson County  Emergency Services.  These are then handed out to young children after an accident or when there is a fire.  

Here are Jan, Diane and Debbie presenting pies at Black’s Mill Elementary School.

On February 23, WEE Books of Dawson County held their Leap for Literacy at War Hill Park on Lake Lanier.  This yearly event is a fundraiser for sponsoring the purchasing and delivering books to children ages newborn to five years old.  

The temperature was a balmy 47 degrees and approximately 100 brave people came out to experience the 46 degree water.  Always on the side of safety, Dawson County EMT and rescue divers were there, hoping not to be needed.  Now, 46 degrees doesn’t sound like much for Polar Bear jumpers, but, hey, we are southerns!  It was darn cold….

Thirteen DCWC ladies, dressed in their finest Hawaiian clothes,  came out to participate in either ‘Toe Tapping’, ‘Ramp Running’ or ‘Leaping’.  One very brave soul walked in up to her knees while the 12 others carefully crept to the edge of the water, eyeing the ripples with fear.  

Enjoy the adventure in photos:

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With Hawaiian music playing, we begin our march to the water.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_9829-2.jpg

This crowd of DCWC ladies will follow their leader anywhere.  Or so she thought…

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Here we go, ladies.  Just follow me here.  Your toes, feet and calves will be numb in no time.  Watch for sharks.

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Wait…what’s this?  Mutiny!

But I thought you loved me?  I’m out here alone, risking my   life for children’s books.    

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They wouldn’t budge.  They ignored their leader, their President, they’re immobile. 

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Wee came, wee tapped and wee ran, wee bought books for kids.  Wee are so awesome….

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And one of us got an award.  But the other 12 had my back.  I think.


The 2019 HOBY Awards were presented at the Dawson County Board of Education meeting on February 12, Olivia Walls and June Rose Harmon (on far right)  won the honor of attending the summer Leadership conference.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is HOBY-2019-1.jpg

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February 15 was Arbor Day where the DCWC planted a tree at the Northeast Georgia Assisted Living facility.


Road Clean Up was accomplished by two members, Edie and Mary Lou on February 6.  

A few bags of trash were collected and awaited the Dawson County recycling trucks.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Resized_20190206_115149_8457002-2-549x1024.jpg

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DCWC presented seven Christmas trees to the troops at Camp Merrill in Dahlonega. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is trees-for-troops-4.jpg


The 2019 Installation was held on January 7, 2019.  New officers were sworn in by the GFWC Georgia North East District President, Patty Gabilondo.  Our new officers are eager and ready to take on the new year with new events, activities and good deeds. 

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From left to right, Linda Bostick 1st VP, Debbie Borovitcky 2nd VP, Bev James Treasurer, Georgann Schmalz President, Linda Browning Recording Secretary, Judy Carruth Corresponding Secretary, and Patty Gabilondo NE District President.



The Dawson County old courthouse,  built in 1858, is a historic two story redbrick building located on the Square in Dawsonville, GA.  In 1980, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  It was saved and renovated by the Dawson County Woman’s Club in 1990 and is now the oldest working courthouse in the state.

Each year, the DCWC decorates the Courthouse for the holidays.  Dawson County Fire Department hangs the wreaths and sets up the tree, while the ladies wrap garlands around the fencing.  Come by and look at it, especially at night when it is lighted.


Christmas at The Bowen Center for the Arts celebrated the upcoming 2018 season with 17 luncheon tables decorated with exquisite and creative wonders.  The DCWC table was themed “Woodland Christmas” decorated with owls and friends.


The DCWC November meeting was hosted by the International Outreach Program.  We played a Shots for Life game, voted for best Heifer International animal, and prepared and collected Good Samaritan Christmas Child shoeboxes.


Every Halloween, Rock Creek Park in Dawsonville, GA holds a Trunk or Treat for kids and parents.  The Dawson County Woman’s Club participates by handing out candy to over a thousand kids.  What fun.  Our Juniorettes Grace and Lane McCarthy (sisters)  helped to hand out the goodies.


Hats & High Heels was the theme for this year’s Giving Goes Glam held on Saturday, October 6 at the Church of the Apostles in Dawsonville, GA.

Over 130 guests enjoyed a fabulous luncheon catered by Talk of the Town.  Our Silent Auction items were the best ever.  Appetizers were a great hit.  Fashions were chosen from Chico’s, Bradford Pair, Elizabeth’s and White House Black Market.

The room decor was better than ever!  Many guests called it ‘stunning’.

Tables were awesome with stylish hats and heels.

Diamonds scattered here and there added a sparkle to the tables.

Three raffle items drew attention especially the gift certificates for local restaurants.  Thank you to all of those eating places.

Not sure where all the high heels came from, but some of our ladies must dress up nicely!

     Everyone gathered around, examined and bid for the great variety of silent auction items.


DCWC hikers at Elachee Nature Preserve, October 24, 2018.  Hikers from left to right: Linda Bostick, Jane Miller, Priscilla Taylor, Edie Chodora.  We enjoyed a delicious lunch afterwards at Chicken Salad Chick in Gainesville.  It was a perfect day for a hike!  Join us next time.

Lovely and lively ladies of DCWC


Traveling Tutus’ mission is to provide dance attire to children in orphanages, children’s homes, title-one schools, foster care or other non-profits around the world to instill confidence, self-expression, and joy through the gift of dance. In almost a decade, Traveling Tutus has sent costumes to hundreds of children in 17 different countries.

At the annual June picnic, the Dawson County Woman’s Club wore their  tutus in a variety of ingenious styles-around the waist, over each leg, on top of the head and around an arm.  We donated 39 colorful tutus.

Sew Much Comfort

Since 2004, Sew Much Comfort provides wounded service members comfort and restores their dignity through the availability of  adaptive clothing. Many of their injuries require large  prosthetics and casts that are too bulky to wear with regular clothing. Adaptive clothing allows them to wear normal appearing clothing and provides them warmth, comfort and dignity as they recover from their injuries.

We donated 48 boxer shorts.


Who said young people just sit around playing video games and never do anything physical?
Not 11 year old Samuel or nine year old Ethan  who, along with their Grandfather, Paul , spread 28 yards of mulch donated by R & L Tree Service over Wednesday and Thursday of this past week.
The pollinator garden once again has three to four inches of mulch lining the pathways. We are grateful for the accomplishments of these young men and their Grandpa.


Dawson County Woman’s Club prepares for the GFWC Day of Service by creating colorful collection boxes for NOA.  We will be at Kroger in Dawsonville from 10-2 on Saturday, April 28 alerting shoppers to the needs of victims of domestic violence.   Their purchases of toiletries, personal items, soaps, shampoos, etc. can be donated to our boxes which we will deliver to the
Dawsonville No One Alone.  office.

Please stop by and contribute any item you purchase at Kroger.


In 2008, Child Abuse America introduced the pinwheel as  the symbol for child abuse prevention.  For the past eight years, our Club has set out hundreds of fanciful pinwheels in downtown Dawsonville to draw attention to preventing child abuse and domestic violence.


The ladies of DCWC just love cleaning the roadsides!!!  Here we are on March 20, 2018  at Rock Creek Park.



Simple little dresses are sewn by volunteers all over the world and sent with mission groups and mailed directly. As relationships are formed with Little Dresses for Africa teams, needs are met by focusing on 3 areas: Clean water. primary education and community.

The ladies of DCWC are honored to be part of the Little Dresses for Africa.

“We’re not just sending dresses, we’re sending hope.”  




Priscilla Taylor and Debbie Borovitcky attended the Dawson County School Board meeting on February 12. Priscilla presented plaques to the two Dawson County High School students, Taylor Daniel and Brandon Zeigler, who will attending the HOBY leadership seminar this summer.



Leaping into Lake Lanier on a cold day in February is a tradition in Dawson County.  The WEE Books Program hosts this yearly event to raise funding that put age-appropriate books in the hands of preschool children. Over 800 children in Dawson County receive a free book in the mail each month.

OKAY, the Woman’s Club ladies don’t exactly leap into the water.  More of a toe tapping. But we make quite a splash anyhow.  We had a great time at Leap for Literacy on Saturday February 24 and WE WON A PRIZE – Best Toe-Tapping Team.  Best of all, we raised $190 for Wee Books.

Juniorette, Sara Alford, carried out the Cat in the Hat theme.


DCWC juniorettes helped decorate the

Margie Weaver Senior Center for Valentine’s Day.



The Bowen Center for the Arts was the site of the 2018 Installation of Officers, luncheon and awards.

2018 Officers (left to right), Barbara Reynolds (GFWC Georgia Treasurer), Georgann Schmalz (President), Linda Bostick (1st VP), Judy Carruth (2nd VP),  Bev James (Treasurer), Debbie Borovitcky (Recording Secretary), Mary Bob Fox (Parliamentarian), Ruth Pierce (Corresponding Secretary).

Georgann Schmalz (left) received the Distinguished Service Award and Debbie Borovitcky received the Dot Strother Outstanding Clubwoman Award.



As  our yearly tradition, the DCWC decorated the old county courthouse in the Dawsonville Square.  

Fluffing the wreaths is so much fun!Volunteers from the Dawson County fire department help to hang 
e wreaths from the windows of the old courthouse.  They are
taller and braver than us on the ladders.


The 2018 HOBY winners were announced at Dawson County High School on November 29, 2017. The winner was Taylor Daniel – a very impressive sophomore.  Our alternate choice was Braxton Zeidler who showed tremendous leadership skills.

These students will be recognized at the February Board of Education Meeting and will then attend a week-end long leadership conference in June to be held at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, GA.


Dawson County Woman’s Club and the Dawsonville Lions joined together to celebrate Christmas 2017.  We had a delightful dinner at Water’s Mill in Dawson County on December 4.  Thirty five members of both Clubs attended.


Our DCWC Juniorettes from Dawson County High School are serving breakfast at the annual Grits and Granola Breakfast.


Each year, the members of DCWC make dozens of
little dresses for Africa.


The DCWC annual fundraiser, Giving Goes Glam, was held on September 16.  Our theme this year was Beauty in the Woods.  Over 125 attendees enjoyed a fabulous luncheon of spinach quiche, fruit on a skewer and cauliflower salad.  The chocolate cake dessert was to die for.  Thanks to all our members for their hard work.

Silent Auction items were the best this year.

 Creative and delicious appetizers   


Congratulations to Ruth Pierce who won first place  in Machine Quilting at the GFWC Georgia State Convention
for her beautiful quilt.


‘Seamless Summer’, a Dept of Agriculture program,  is served by our Club members at the Dawson County Library.  The program  provides lunches for children during their summer vacation.   They are so excited to get a sack lunch and never fail to say ‘thank you’.


Absolutely no job is too tough for the ladies that work in the Hummingbird and Butterfly Garden.  Here is Edie trimming low branches that are keeping the sun from reaching our new pollinator garden plants.  Come visit!


June 5 was our annual picnic at Rock Creek Park.  The food was fantastic and the rain held off for us.


The Dawson County Humane Society was presented with a pop-up tent for their events.


Conservation Program sponsored a field trip to Sosebee Cove in north Georgia on April 17.  Lots of wildflowers and birds.


Spring District Meeting at Tallulah Falls School

Left to right: Marsha Inman, Linda Bostick, Bev James,

Mary Bob Fox, Sandy Duffy


The Dawson County Library will be having an Elephant and Piggie Party on Saturday, April 8, 2017

Debbie Borovitcky (above) and Marge Carey (below) help with the Elephant and Piggie Party on April 8 at the Dawson County Library.================================================

The Conservation Program enjoyed a warm  day at Rock Creek Park preparing the Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden for spring.

Afterwards, we tackled the Martin Road Clean Up.  Four large bags of trash were collected and hauled to the county transfer station.

A little British Soldier lichen along the way added to the clean up.

Good Job,  Edie, Linda, Dianne, Pat and Georgann


Mary Bob Fox and Georgann Schmalz  proudly presenting
the 2017 HOBY Award recipients
far left, Tyler Perry
far right, Jackson Trammell


INSTALLATION of Officers 2017 January 9

Outgoing Co-Presidents, Judy Carruth and Bev James are thanked for their year of service to the Club.

Judy receiving her Past President pin from Priscilla Taylor

Priscilla installing Georgann as Schmalz as 2017 President

Bev James receiving both the Dot Strother Award and the Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award is based on one or more areas of outstanding service to the Dawson County Woman’s Club and/or the community.

The Dot Strother Outstanding Club Member Award is based on total contribution and participation in Club activities. The Bev possesses a positive attitude toward Club involvement and fellow members, regularly attends monthly meetings, participates in all Club projects, has a leadership role in at least one major area of Club work during the past year.

Congratulations, Bev James.  No one has ever won both awards in the same year.  Way to go and thanks for all your work and love.



December 2, 2016

It’s that time of year again for decorating the Dawsonville Old Courthouse.  Thanks to all our ladies for helping on this beautiful day.


The Dawson County Woman’s Club fund raiser, Denim ‘n’ Diamonds was held on September 10 at the Church of the Apostles.


DCWC members decorated the fellowship hall in the style of creative denim and diamond accessories.

150 visitors enjoyed a fabulous event with fashions from Bradford Pair (Gainesville), Chico’s (Dawsonville), Elizabeth’s (Gainesville) and Pink Alley Boutique (Dahlonega)



Appetizers teased our appetites as DCWC members greeted the many attendees.


Chicken Bow Tie Pasta salad was a great hit along with the almond chocolate cheesecake.


Through the generosity of businesses and individuals, the Silent Auction items were greatly enjoyed and bid upon.





The members of DCWC thank all of you for supporting our Club and Giving Goes Glam



Congratulations to Marley Hamby and Carter Whaley upon receiving scholarships to the 2016 HOBY Leadership Seminar.

At the Leadership seminar, students explore their own personal leadership skills while learning how to lead others and make a positive impact in their community.

The Dawson County Woman’s Club sponsored three students to this year’s seminar held in June 2016 at Barry College in Rome, GA.


Pictured above from left to right Beth Hamby (Marley’s mom), Marley Hamby, Priscilla Taylor (DCWC member), Carter Whaley and his mom Abby Liberatore.

Below are Marley Hamby and Carter Whaley from Dawson County High Schoolimg_5197


June picnic 2016

DCWC picnic 2016 2 DCWC picnic 2016 3 DCWC picnic 2016


Our new pollinator garden at Rock Creek Park is doing very well.  Come visit

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May 17, 2016




DCWC sponsored a lunch from Culvers for Riverview Elementary School students who had earned enough points in their reading.

Each winner also got to treat a friend to the lunch. Pictured here are the winning readers.


DCWC Education Program chair, Beth Paul, presents Dana Robison with the $1000 high school scholarship for college expenses in the fall, 2016.  Congratulations, Dana.

Dana Robison


Beth Paul presents a check to Media Specialist Cherie Powell and Principal Dr. Randi Segona of RIVERVIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL.  The assistance will aid the school’s computerized reading program.

Riverview Middle


Library Appreciation Week 2016 was celebrated by sharing a cake and certificated with the Dawson County Library

Library cake 2016


April is Prevent Domestic Violence Month when we stake out pinwheels for Child Abuse Prevention.  Thank you to the Juniorettes and Club members for helping with the pinwheels.



Earth Day is celebrated on April 18, 2016 by donating and planting a river birch at the new North Georgia Assisted Living residence in downtown Dawsonville.



The DCWC participated in the 6th Annual Leap for Literacy fundraiser for Wee Books on Saturday, February 27.  Some of our members were ‘toe tappers’ while the other ‘ramp runners’ walked deeper into Lake Lanier.  Water temperature was a frigid 45 degrees, but the day was clear, sunny and about 50 degrees at the tapping and running moment.

We wouldn’t miss this event since it purchases monthly books to children ages newborn to five years old.

IMG_2477                            Nancy Mathews with her husband and grandaughterIMG_2475                     Mary Bob Fox races back to dry land with cold, but brave                             Juniorettes
IMG_2550                    DCWC “beachettes’ preparing for their toe tapping or ramp
                                       running on a cold, but sunny day at Lake Lanier

IMG_2547                                         We march towards the frigid water …IMG_2542                         … and enter the lake.  Wait…not everyone is in the                                                        water

                                A quick retreat to dry land and dry towels.


In 2011, the DCWC purchased and donated a playground train set to Rock Creek Park for the 150th birthday of Dawson County.



DCWC is involved with a reading incentive program at Riverview Elementary School.  The kids earn hats for their reading accomplishments and get to wear them on Fridays

reading2 DCWC

reading DWCD

=Screen Shot


DCWC members, Judy Carruth and Caroline Christi, present the Dawson County Humane Society with a check to purchase much needed foot baths that eliminate contamination of rooms
for cats and dogs.




Many thanks to Ruth Pierce, Jan Cockcroft, Judy Cahill, Nancy Matthews, Beth Paul, and Marsha Inman for meeting at the Margie Weaver Senior Center to assemble goodie bags.  Fruit, cookies, candy canes, and a personalized Christmas card was included in each festive bag that was delivered to homebound families on December 16.

Christmas treats donated by DCWC
Christmas treats donated by DCWC



Each year the Woman’s Club rotates elementary schools for adoption.  Riverview Elementary School is our adopted school for the 2015-2016 school  year.  The Woman’s Club offers monetary assistance as well as hands-on help.  A DCWC reader also goes to the second grade each week and reads a story from a book which is then donated to that class’s permanent library.

November’s Students of the Month at Riverview Elementary School were Tate Tangel, age 7, and Faith Bailey, age 8, pictured with the Education Chair Beth Paul.

Riverview Elementary students of the Month of November 2015 (640x480)


The Hummingbird and Butterfly Garden at Rock Creek Sports Complex is sleeping for the winter, 2015

RCP garden

The bluebird houses were cleaned out to be ready for new nests in early spring.


Above, House Wrens often nest in the bluebird boxes.

Below, feathers indicate a Tree Swallow nest.Tree Swallow nest at RCP


The Christmas Party on December 7 was held at Achasta Golf Club.  Once again, we were joined by the Dawsonville Lions Club.  Great food, great company and a Merry Christmas to all!

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Decorating the Historic Courthouse in downtown Dawsonville.  We trim the fence around the old building while the Dawson County Fire Department hangs the bows.   We don’t do ladders!

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Trees for Troops

The Dawson County Woman’s Club provided trees for troops for Christmas 2015.


Veterans Day Parade Nov 11, 2015

Veterans Day 2015

Club members join the crowd in downtown Dawsonville in honoring Veterans Day.


Giving Goes Glam 2015       

                                                  “Crystal Magnolias”

September 12 at the Church of the Apostles, included a fabulous Fashion Show, Luncheon, Silent Auction and lots of fun.  Our fashion models were stunning; the Silent Auction items plentiful and creative; and the food was delicious.

2015-09-12 13.46.01 (800x741)

2015-09-12 13.49.04 (708x800)

2015-09-12 14.28.23 (681x800)2015-09-12 14.01.26 (764x800)2015-09-12 13.56.17 (675x800)2015-09-12 12.04.06 (800x533)2015-09-12 12.44.12 (800x533)2015-09-12 12.08.16 (800x533)2015-09-12 12.06.59 (800x533)


Scavenger Hunt on June 13  hosted by the Dawson County Library We took third place in this yearly exciting event.   Judy Cahill, Beth Paul and Margie Hock Scavenger Hunt on June 13  hosted by the Dawson County Library We took third place in this yearly exciting event.  

Judy Cahill, BethPaul and MargieHock IMG_0201 IMG_0149 IMG_0146


Leap for Literacy February 28, 2015 featured Woman’s Club Polar Bears, Sandy Duffy, Georgann Schmalz, Beth Paul, Marsha Inman and Judy Carruth.  (Not pictured Anne Becking) five bears

Ramp Runners walking down the dock to Lake Lanier bears walking and testing the water. bears going in

Air temp was a cold 38 degrees with water at 42 degrees bears coming outBrrrrrrr. Beth with award

And, of course, we won 1st Place for creativity.


The Artful Table, 2014, a fantastic event held at the Bowen Art Center, featured twenty creatively decorated tables of “Celebrations”.  The Woman’s Club table featured ‘Over the Hill–Birthdays”.  We took second place. Artful Table



September 20, 2014

Jeannette Brand modeling

GGG B Smart
Babs Smart Modeling

GGG D Leonhardt (2)
Dianne Leonhardt Modeling

GGG D McCormick and guests
Debbie McCormick with guests

GGG venue 2014
Decorated Tables

GGG Silent Auction
Plenty of Silent Auction Items

GGG P Martin
Pat Martin Modeling

GGG L Bostick and guests
Linda Bostick with guests

GGG J Crockcroft
Jan Crockcroft modelling

Table decorations reflected our accesorizing
Table decorations reflected our accessorizing

Artful Table What a great event put on by the DCWC ladies.  Fabulous Fashions, Delicious Luncheon, enviable Silent Auction items. Raffle and Door Prizes.  We had over 140 guests come for an afternoon of fun and glamor.

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All of these tables were decorated with members’ personal bling treasures.

Our models displayed fashions from local Gainesville, GA fine shops; Carol’s Closet, Elizabeth’s, The Bradford Pair and Saul’s.

Celebrity Breakfast
The jester, Carol Tyger and Minnie Pearl, aka LeeAnn Harter entertained while Dawson County dined for charity.

Celebrity Breakfast at Longhorns attracted a court jester (Carol Tyger) and the ever-popular Minnie Pearl (LeeAnn Harter).  Thanks Ladies for making the event a successful fundraiser for fighting child abuse.


The dedicated ladies of the Conservation Program  have been working hard this summer in beautifying our Hummingbird and Butterfly Garden at Rock Creek Park.  With three loads of donated mulch (thanks Mark Byrd) and work crews from Bradley Landscapes, the garden is looking better than ever.  Come by and visit.

Garden Photo 2


Miranda Abe is awarded the 2013 $1000 High School Scholarship presented by Club President, Georgann Schmalz     Each year,the Dawson   County Woman’s Club presents an award to a student to attend the HOBY (Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership) workshop at Berry College.  This year we were fortunate enough to award two scholarships, sending Sarah Tinsley and Sarah Rogers to the seminar in early June.  Congratulations.   Sarah Tinsley Sarah Tinsley on left.


The Dawson County Library conducted a Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, June 7, 2014 for any teams that wanted to run around Dawson County finding over 100 sites, performing outrageous tasks, collecting photos of each for points.  This year the DCWC was aptly represented by four outstanding participants, Judy Cahill, Beth Paul, Betty Powell and Georgann Schmalz.  Our Team finished in second place just barely beaten by the high schoolers from Christ Redeemer Church

. Scavenger 1 Scavenger 2 Scavenger 3 Scavenger 4 Scavenger 5 Scavenger 7 Scavenger 8 Scavenger 9  Scavneger 6

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