DCWC 2025 General Membership Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held at 4:00 at The Bowen Center for the Arts unless otherwise noted. We have time for some socializing and catching up with each other and then start the meetings at 4:15. Where indicated, a Community Service Program will host the meeting. They will have a speaker or an activity pertaining to their CSP. After their program, there will be a business meeting to discuss projects in progress and upcoming opportunities. New projects are considered and voted on, updates for ongoing projects are given and members can bring news or concerns to the club.
January 6 at 11:30 am Installation of Officers Meeting at Papa’s Place
February 3 – Business meeting for budget approval and fundraiser planning
March 3 – Hosted by the Health & Wellness CSP
April 7 – Hosted by the Arts & Culture CSP
May 5 – Hosted by the Environment CSP
May 31 – Fifth Annual Pollinator Garden Tour
June 2 we have our annual picnic at Veterans Memorial Park in Dawsonville at 4:00
July no meeting – Summer break
August 4 – Business meeting for final fundraiser preparations
August 23 Annual Fundraiser Luncheon at Lily Creek Farm at 10:30
September 8 – Hosted by the Education & Libraries CSP
October 6 – Hosted by the Civic Engagement & Outreach CSP
November 3 – Hosted by the Domestic Violence Awareness Special Project Committee
In December we will have a Christmas gathering that varies from year to year.
Through our CSPs we support our local schools, parks, libraries, the Senior Center, The Bowen Center for the Arts, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, EPIC, The Humane Society, No One Alone, The Way Home and the local pollinator gardens; just to name a few. Please see our Projects Page to learn more about our projects, past and present.
We have four elected officers in the club: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Recording Secretary. Appointed positions are CSP Chairs, Correspondence Secretary, and Parliamentarian. We have our Installation of Officers every January with a luncheon at a local restaurant.
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